Bloodstone Palm Stone, Crystal

Bloodstone Palm Stone

Regular price €28,00
Tax included.

Bloodstone invites the wisdom to know when to withdraw from specific situations, and when to keep persevering. It grants discernment and teaches one to welcome chaos as a necessary stage in life that leads to new beginnings.
  • Grants protection
  • Aids in decision-making
  • Brings clarity
  • Bestows courage and wisdom
  • Clears the space of negativity
  • Grounds one in the present moment
  • Helps act with courage
  • Calms the emotional body
  • Invigorates the physical body
  • Nourishes the feelings of self-confidence
  • Helps one become more self-sufficient
  • Inspires determination and integrity
  • Approx 3,5 X 4,5 X 1 CM

Contact us at with any questions. Email us for more altarpieces and we will help you find the crystal you desire.